The FLoReS (Forward Locking Reward Seeking) dialogue manager is an information state and event driven dialogue manager. That is, it does nothing unless an event is received. When an event is received it searches for the best action (i.e. sub-dialogue) that can be executed in the current information state and that achieves the highest expected reward. Once the best action is found it start starts executing it. Unless:
- the current action in execution is the same as the best action found. In that case the dialogue manager simply continues to execute the action.
- there is no best action. That can happen in 2 cases:
- there are no actions that can be executed given the current event and information state.
- all executable actions have negative expected rewardsreward
As mentioned earlier the dialogue manager searches for the best available action every time an event comes in. Events are generated by multiple sources, for example, the user typing, the system's timer, additional connected modules (e.g. a speech recognizer).
Operators (sub-dialogues or actions):