Each sub-dialogue can be marked final. That means that when the end node of a final sub-dialogue is reached, the conversation ends. When the conversation ends the DM will ignore all events and the user will not be able to interact with the virtual character anymore.
Daemon sub-dialogue:
A sub-dialogue can be also marked as a daemon sub-dialogue. These subdialogues are extensions of the event listeners, they can have system initiative entrance conditions and do more complex processing and information state updates.
Execution of a sub-dialogue consists of taking a certain entry path (the one that lead to the maximum expected reward) and then at every node, take the first outgoing edge (the order is from left to right and is specified by the author) that can be taken (that is has a satisfied condition) until we reach a waiting point: a user state (i.e. a state with user outgoing edges). At that point the dialogue manager terminates the execution and waits for the next event. If the incoming event is one of the expected events (i.e. the events specified in the user edges) then the execution continues along the first satisfied user edge. If the final node is reached, the sub-dialogue is terminated and becomes inactive and the system searches for a new optimal action to start executing.
The information state is formed by variables and stores the current state of the conversation. Three Four things can update the information state: