Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • ApproximatedForwardSearch: if enabled the system runs a simplified search. faster but less accurate.
  • CaseSensitive: if true, variables are case sensitive, otherwise everything is lowercased internally.
  • DmClass: the DM class to be used (e.g. RewardDM)
  • DmVhGenerating: if true the DM generates the vrGenerate message.
  • DmVhListening: if true listens to vrNLU.
  • ForcedIgnoreEventName: name of the event generated when the dm ignores a user event.
  • InitialPolicyFileName: the name of the policy file.
  • LoginEventName: the name of the event generated at login.
  • LoopEventName:the name of the event generated if the DM recognizes that it's stuck in a loop.
  • MaxIterations: maximum number of iterations for a single event. it's a safeguard for bugs in the policy and event handling.
  • MaxSearchLevels: used to stop the search, defines the maximum depth of the visited search space.
  • PreferUserInitiatedActions: if true, it prefers a user initiated action from the possibilities found by the search.
  • SkipUnhandledWhileSystemSpeaking: if true, doesn't generate the unhandled event while the system is speaking.
  • SpecialVariablesFileName: the name of the file used to dump the list of special variables at startup.
  • SpokenFractionForSaid: percentage of a line that needs to be said (before interruption) for a line to be considered said.
  • StaticURLs
  • SystemEventsHaveDuration: if true, the system will track the NLG to wait for a line to be finished before moving on.
  • TimerEvent: the name of the timer event.
  • TimerInterval: the length of time in seconds between timer events. if negative, timer events are disabled.
  • TrivialSystemSpeechActs
  • UnhandledEventName: the name of the event generated when the system doesn't have an executable operator that can handle the current user event.
  • UserAlwaysInterrupts: if true, the user always interrupt the system.
  • ValueTrackers
  • VisualizerClass
  • VisualizerConfig
  • WaitForUserReplyTimeout: trackers used to update specific variables with high precision. See src/DMConfigs.xml for examples.
  • VisualizerClass: used to visualize the DM state, mostly deprecated.
  • VisualizerConfig: see VisualizerClass
  • WaitForUserReplyTimeout: number of seconds for which we allow a user to take to reply.

NLG configuration

  • AllowEmptyNLGOutput: if true the NLG can return empty text, otherwise it'll generate an error if empty text is returned.
  • AlwaysPreferForms: global flag used to prefer forms (multiple choice) for a given speech act if forms are defined for it/
  • DefaultDuration: default duration of a speech act. Usually VH messages are used to compute this, or the audio file, or the length of the text. If all custom methods fail, then this default is used.
  • DisplayFormAnswerInNlg: in case multiple choice is used, the nlg will return the full selected answer.
  • IsAsciiNLG: if true, it filters non ASCII characters from the nlg text.
  • IsNormalizeBlanksNLG
  • IsStrictNLG
  • LfNlgLexiconFile
  • NlgClass
  • NlgVhGenerating
  • NlgVhListening
  • Nvbs
  • Picker
  • SystemForms
  • SystemResources
  • SystemUtterances: if true, normalizes blanks in the nlg text (removes duplicates, clean end of line).
  • IsStrictNLG: if true, it returns errors for each speech act used in the DM policy from which the NLG cannot return text.
  • LfNlgLexiconFile: not used
  • NlgClass: the NLG class used to generate text from speech acts.
  • NlgVhGenerating: not used, typically specific NLGs generate vh messages.
  • NlgVhListening: is true, listens to vrGenerate.
  • Nvbs: file that contains the nvb info.
  • Picker: class that specify how to pick one text realization from multiple possibilities for a given speech act.
  • SystemForms: name of the file that contains the definition of the multiple choice system lines.
  • SystemResources: name of the file that contains resources (e.g. links)
  • SystemUtterances: name of the file that contains the system lines (mapping between speech acts and surface form).