- AcceptanceThreshold: if configured (i.e. not null or negative) the NLU will return its 1-best result only if the confidence score associated with it is above this threshold.
- ChartNluInSingleMode: used by the class edu.usc.ict.nl.nlu.chart.MXChartClassifierNLU to disable the multiple speech acts extraction described in the paper: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P11-2017
- ChartNluMaxLength: used by the class edu.usc.ict.nl.nlu.chart.MXChartClassifierNLU to automatically disable extracting multiple speech acts for longer utterances, see http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P11-2017
- EmptyTextEventName: if the user enters no text, then this event is returned by the NLU.
- ForcedNLUContentRoot: this is the path to the NLU models in case you don't want to use the default location in a character folder.
- FstInputSymbols: configuration used by the attempts to use Finite state transducers to do NLU for SPS. Read the code for more info.
- FstOutputSymbols: see FstInputSymbols
- RunningFstCommand:the actual command to be executed for the FST experiment. See src/NLUConfigs.xml for an example.
- TrainingFstCommand: see RunningFstCommand
- HierNluReturnsNonLeaves: boolean, default true. used in hierarchical NLU models, if true the model will return also non leaves (i.e. result from a NLU model that has children NLU models) when the result has a higher probability than the results of its children
- HierarchicalNluSeparator: separator used in the labels to recognize hierarchical structure. For example, "." is the hier separator for java packages.
- InternalNluClass4Chart: internal NLU class used by the chart classifier (multiple speech acts in a single line of text)
- InternalNluClass4Hier: internal NLU class used in hierarchical NLU models.
- InternalNluListForMultiNlu: list of NLU beans to run simultaneously in the multi NLU setup (e.g. SPS).
- LowConfidenceEvent: event sent out if the 1-best NLU result is below the AcceptanceThreshold.
- MaximumNumberOfLabels: maximum number of labels to be found in the training set. Used to generate an error or warning if it's known that the particular classifier used has this limitation (on the number of labels).
- MergerForMultiNlu: bean to use to reach a single output from a multi NLU setup. For example, if classifier 1 returns result r1 then run classifier 2 and return result r2 as the global result, otherwise return r1.
- NluClass: the basic NLU class used (could be a hierarchical or multi or chart or simple classifier). check out src/NLUConfigs.xml for some examples. Check out the resources/characters/*/NLUConfig.xml for other examples.
- NluDir: the name of the directory under which the nlu stores its model: ContentRoot/characterName/NluDir
- NluExeEnv: setup needed only when running specific external nlu exe that requires custom environment variables (check the source code, never used).
- NluExeRoot: see NluExeEnv.
- NluFeaturesBuilderClass: the class used to build the features from the training data for the NLU class.
- NluHardLinks: file that contains direct links between surface text and speech acts. if a text matches that string 1-to-1 then the NLU is not invoked and the associated label is returned.
- NluModelFile
- NluTrainingFile
- NluVhGenerating
- NluVhListening
- PreprocessingRunningConfig
- PreprocessingTrainingConfig
- PrintNluErrors
- Regularization
- RunningFstCommand
- SpsMapperModelFile
- SpsMapperUsesNluOutput
- TrainingDataReader
- TrainingFstCommand
- UseSystemFormsToTrainNLU
- UserUtterances
- nBest: the name of the file that stores the NLU model.
- NluTrainingFile: the name of the file that stores training data used by the NLU classifier to train its model. Usually the data is generated from the user utterances found in xlsx files in the ContentRoot/characterName/content directory. Then that data goes to the features builder class and then it gets dumped in the training data format of the specific NLU class used in this file.
- NluVhGenerating: if true the NLU generates the vrNLU vh message
- NluVhListening: if true and the NL bus has VHProtocol enabled, then the system will listen to vrSpeech messages.
- PreprocessingRunningConfig: the spring bean name of the preprocessing config to be use at runtime.
- PreprocessingTrainingConfig: the spring bean name of the preprocessing config to use to generate the NLU training data. You need a different one, for example, if you want to run different preprocessing steps to prepare the training data as opposed to
- PrintNluErrors: not used
- Regularization: regularization parameter.
- SpsMapperModelFile: sps specific, should be moved out to a sps specific class.
- SpsMapperUsesNluOutput: see SpsMapperModelFile.
- TrainingDataReader: class used to read the NLU training data format.
- UseSystemFormsToTrainNLU: the system will extract training data from the forms definition file is there (forms define the multiple choice questions).
- UserUtterances: defines the name of the file that contains the user utterances to be used for training.
- nBest: defines hoe many results should be returned by the NLU.
DM configuration
- ApproximatedForwardSearch
- CaseSensitive
- DmClass
- DmVhGenerating
- DmVhListening
- ForcedIgnoreEventName
- InitialPolicyFileName
- LoginEventName
- LoopEventName
- MaxIterations
- MaxSearchLevels
- PreferUserInitiatedActions
- SkipUnhandledWhileSystemSpeaking
- SpecialVariablesFileName
- SpokenFractionForSaid
- StaticURLs
- SystemEventsHaveDuration
- TimerEvent
- TimerInterval
- TrivialSystemSpeechActs
- UnhandledEventName
- UserAlwaysInterrupts
- ValueTrackers
- VisualizerClass
- VisualizerConfig
- WaitForUserReplyTimeout