- AllowNluTraining: enables retraining of the NLU through the chat interface.
- Character: default character attempted to start at startup.
- ChatLog: the prefix (including path) of the chat log files.
- ContentRoot: root directory where all characters are found. Typically it is resources/characters.
- DisplayNluOutputChat: if true, the system displays the NLU output in the chat interface.
- LoggingEventsInChatLog: if false, it disables saving the chat log file.
- Protocols: list of external messaging protocols to enable. Each must be the name of a class extending edu.usc.ict.nl.bus.protocols.Protocol.
- UseVrExpressOnly
- UseVrSpeakOnly
- VhComponentId: the string identifier used to respond to the VHToolkit messanger API.
- VhOtherSpeaker: a string identifying the name of other vh speakers to which we want to listen (for multi agent configurations). Can be "*" to indicate listen to all.
- VhServer: ip/name of the activemq server to which to connect.
- VhSpeaker: name of the sender of vh messages, in general this should be automatically set using the current character, but it can be overwritten by this setting.
- VhTopic: topic for the vh messages.
- ZoomFactorChat: a float used to configure the font size in the chat window.
- FileRoot: deprecated
- InternalDmClass4VhMsgWrapper: deprecated.
- IsLoadBalancing: not used in this context.
- RunningMode: deprecated.
- ValidatePolicies: deprecated.
NLU configuration
- AcceptanceThreshold
- ChartNluInSingleMode
- ChartNluMaxLength
- EmptyTextEventName
- ForcedNLUContentRoot
- FstInputSymbols
- FstOutputSymbols
- HierNluReturnsNonLeaves
- HierarchicalNluSeparator
- InternalNluClass4Chart
- InternalNluClass4Hier
- InternalNluListForMultiNlu
- LowConfidenceEvent
- MaximumNumberOfLabels
- MergerForMultiNlu
- NluClass
- NluDir
- NluExeEnv
- NluExeRoot
- NluFeaturesBuilderClass
- NluHardLinks
- NluModelFile
- NluTrainingFile
- NluVhGenerating
- NluVhListening
- PreprocessingRunningConfig
- PreprocessingTrainingConfig
- PrintNluErrors
- Regularization
- RunningFstCommand
- SpsMapperModelFile
- SpsMapperUsesNluOutput
- TrainingDataReader
- TrainingFstCommand
- UseSystemFormsToTrainNLU
- UserUtterances
- nBest
DM configuration
- ApproximatedForwardSearch
- CaseSensitive
- DmClass
- DmVhGenerating
- DmVhListening
- ForcedIgnoreEventName
- InitialPolicyFileName
- LoginEventName
- LoopEventName
- MaxIterations
- MaxSearchLevels
- PreferUserInitiatedActions
- SkipUnhandledWhileSystemSpeaking
- SpecialVariablesFileName
- SpokenFractionForSaid
- StaticURLs
- SystemEventsHaveDuration
- TimerEvent
- TimerInterval
- TrivialSystemSpeechActs
- UnhandledEventName
- UserAlwaysInterrupts
- ValueTrackers
- VisualizerClass
- VisualizerConfig
- WaitForUserReplyTimeout
NLG configuration
- AllowEmptyNLGOutput
- AlwaysPreferForms
- DefaultDuration
- DisplayFormAnswerInNlg
- IsAsciiNLG
- IsNormalizeBlanksNLG
- IsStrictNLG
- LfNlgLexiconFile
- NlgClass
- NlgVhGenerating
- NlgVhListening
- Nvbs
- Picker
- SystemForms
- SystemResources
- SystemUtterances