PocketSphinx Wrapper

PocketSphinx Wrapper


The pocketsphinx-sonic-server is a wrapper over the PocketSphinx speech recognition system which allows us to communicate with it using the Sonic protocol. PocketSphinx itself is a small-footprint continuous speech recognition system, suitable for handheld and desktop applications. We can use a client such as AcquireSpeech in order to communicate with pocketsphinx-sonic-server and get the text for the speech.

It is fairly easy to set up a language model for PocketSphinx and use it for speech recognition.

Quick facts:

  • Location: /core/pocketsphinx-sonic-server/
  • Language: C++
  • Distribution: Binary
  • Platform(s): Windows


Using command line parameters

The applications expects a config file to be specified on the command line as follows

  • -c [file-name]
    This config file should contain the following information specified as below
  • -fwdflat
  • -bestpath
  • -lm [the language model file to be used]
  • -dict [the dictionary to be used]
  • -hmm [the acoustic mode]
    By default, the Virtual Human Toolkit uses the wall street journal acoustic model that comes with pocketsphinx and the CMU pronunciation dictionary. You can change this to use your own.
  • -samprate [the sampling rate]

Creating a language model for PocketSphinx Wrapper

You will need to follow the below steps for creating your own language model for use with the PocketSphinx Wrapper.

  • Go to the "data\pocketsphinx" folder within the Toolkit
  • There is a file called corpus.txt which contains the utterances/lines to be spoken by the character. Replace this file with a file containing the new lines which you want the character to speak. Each utterance is one line in the file
  • Now double click the batch file called generate_language_model.bat
  • This will generate a new lm.arpa file which will be the new language model containing the lines in corpus.txt
  • Now if you relaunch the PocketSphinx Wrapper from the launcher, it will reference this new language model that you just created

Known Issues

Message API




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