3rd Party Software

3rd Party Software


ActiveMQ is an open source message solution developed by Apache. See the ActiveMQ project page for more details.

Within ICT Virtual Human projects, ActiveMQ is used to send messages between modules, as defined on the Architecture page. For ease of development and to ensure consistency, a library wrapper for ActiveMQ has been developed, called Virtual Human Messaging (VHMSG). Please visit the VHMsg page for details on how to use VHMSG and ActiveMQ.


Boost is standard set of open source supporting libraries for C++. See the Boost site for more information.


Ogre is an open source 3D rendering engine.  The open source software development kit for the Ogre renderer can be found here.


Pthreads is a library for supporting C++ threading.

For Win32, using pthreads-win32 binaries found here - http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32