


VisemeSchedulerSphinx4 is a tool that generates lip-sync using the Sphinx-4 library (http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4).

Quick facts:

  • Location: /tools/VisemeSchedulerSphinx4
  • Language: Java
  • Distribution: source
  • Platform(s): Windows


Creating bmls for audio files

These instructions explain how to get a Smartbody .bml lip-sync timing file from a .wav file with a .txt transcript.

This tool will do the following for each .wav file in the specified folder

  • Run the .wav file through ForceAlignment (based on sphinx4 library) with the correct transcription (.txt file with the same name present in the same folder) and get a phoneme schedule with word break information (which is loaded in memory).
  • Use the phoneme schedule, the word break data and the phoneme-to-viseme mapping to create a .bml file.
  • Note that the viseme curve currently generated is trapezoidal (ramp-up and ramp-down for 10% of the beginning and end respectively).

Usage: process.bat <absolute path for folder which contains the .wav / .txt files>

where process.bat is located in /tools/VisemeSchedulerSphinx4

This will create a set of smartbody .bml files to use with your audio files in the folder specified.


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