

vrSpeech type turn-id [speaker|utt_id] [confidence tone speech]


vrSpeech messages go together as a sequence with the same turn-id, representing the speech recognition, timing, and possible segmentation of a human utterance. vrSpeech start means the person has started to speak - indicated usually by pressing on a mouse button. vrSpeech finished-speaking means the person has stopped speaking for this turn, indicated usually by releasing the mouse button. vrSpeech interp indicates the text that the person said during this speech. vrSpeech asr-complete means that speech recognition and segmentation are finished for this turn, and other modules are free to start using the results without expecting more utterances for this turn. vrSpeech partial is an optional message, giving partial results during speech.

  • vrSpeech start turn_id speaker
  • vrSpeech finished-speaking turn_id
  • vrSpeech partial turn_id utt_id confidence tone speech
  • vrSpeech interp turn_id utt_id confidence tone speech
  • vrSpeech asr-complete turn_id


  • type, indicates the type of vrSpeech message: 
    • start 
    • finished-speaking
    • partial
    • interp
    • asr-complete
  • turn_id is a unique identifier for this whole turn. Must be the same across all messages in a sequence.
  • speaker is the speaker of this message, like 'user' in the Brad example.
  • utt_id is the unique identifier for this utterances. A turn can be segmented into multiple utterances. Historically this is always '1', and there is only one 'vrSpeech interp' message per turn. The current convention is that the speech recognizer / client will send out a message with 'utt_id 0', and then a possible segmenter will send out one or more messages from 1 to n, labelled in order. A segmenter is currently not part of the Toolkit. For 'vrSpeech partial' utt_id is an incremental interpretation of the part of the utterances that has been processed so far. It will likely have a value of p followed by an integer but any unique identifier should be ok.
  • confidence, the confidence value for this interpretation. Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. Historically this is always 1.0.
  • tone, the prosody - should be "high" "normal" or "low" - historically, this is always "normal".
  • speech, the text of the (segment) interpretation. For 'utt_id 0' this will be the text of the full turn, for other segments this will be the text only for that segment.


This example indicates a speaker with the name 'user' starting to speak, saying 'hello how are you', and then stopping. Note that the speech is only analyzed / completed after the user has stopped speaking. Also note that all listed messages are needed to process a single utterance and notify the rest of the system of the results.

  • vrSpeech start test1 user
  • vrSpeech finished-speaking test1 user
  • vrSpeech interp test1 1 1.0 normal hello how are you
  • vrSpeech asr-complete test1

Sending Components

Receiving Components

  • NPCEditor
  • Natural Language Understanding modules
  • Modules that want to know about speech timing information or spoken text

Related Messages